
How to Guides: Children Witnessing Abuse and How to Speak Out by Gurpreet

“The greater a child’s terror, and the earlier it is experienced, the harder it becomes todevelop a strong and healthy sense of self.”― Nathaniel BrandenPeople tend to believe that children don’t observe anything. However, they are the bestjudge of their surroundings. Children have this sixth sense of feeling, observing, and sensingthings that prove to be […]

A Letter to My Rapist: From a Survivor” by Graciella P

A Letter to my Rapist; From a survivor… Every year, the month of April is dedicated to those who survived sexual assault, domestic abuse and rape. One month is given to the survivors; a so-called safe place to raise awareness and speak our truth. Now to you, this mere month might not mean a lot, […]

Providing Sanctuary for Survivors of Domestic Violence and Their Pets by Iris P

23-year-old Sara is considering leaving the abusive relationship, but the thought of possibly having toleave her dog Waggy behind fills her with anxiety, fear, and dread. She knows that many shelterswon’t accept pets, and the idea of leaving Waggy alone with the abuser’s anger terrifies her. Sarasilently vows to herself that she will find a […]

“From Trauma to Tragedy: A Journey of Resilience and Loss”

My story began at the age of seven when the babysitter stared to abuse me, it then went on to me being brutally taped at the age of 14 years of age, i was so unhappy at home and my mum was going out all the time and sleeping with different men. I dont know […]

Title: “Breaking Free: My Journey as a Survivor of Mental Abuse”

My story may not be as extreme as others, but it has effected me for over 7 years. I had a now ex-boyfriend who was mentally abusive. He was my first boyfriend and I was blinded by the puppy love. When we confirmed our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, he was already jealous of the […]

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