
Title: “Breaking Free: My Journey as a Survivor of Mental Abuse”

My story may not be as extreme as others, but it has effected me for over 7 years. I had a now ex-boyfriend who was mentally abusive. He was my first boyfriend and I was blinded by the puppy love. When we confirmed our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, he was already jealous of the […]

Women of Courage: Grace in a Vintage Time by Alexis

“There are few people you meet who are just lovely. You then learn their story, and that’s when you realize, “That’ll probably be the loveliest person I’ve ever met.” That’s all you’ve hoped to feel about any one single person throughout life. And suddenly, the world becomes a better place because they’re in it.” -A.B. […]

Confronting Childhood Trauma: My Struggle with Stepfather Abuse

I believe my step father abused me. My mom married him when I was 6 years old and 16 years later they have my 2 siblings also. It was a combination of physical and mental. Sometimes in the early parts of their marriage he’d beat me and put me in the corner if I woke […]

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