
Survivor Story: My Children and I Deserve Love and Safety

Submitted by: Danielle, Survivor As part of the conditioning and manipulation abusers use to keep their victims trapped in an abusive relationship, the destruction of self-esteem and self-worth are effective tools. Abusers slowly convince their partners that the abuse is their fault and that they do not deserve any better than their current circumstances. They […]

Survivor Story: He Stalked Me and Tried to Kill Me After I Left

Submitted by: *Nancy, Survivor As noted by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the presence of firearms in homes where domestic violence occurs increases the risk of fatality by 500 percent. Guns are often used by abusers to threaten and intimidate their victims, and, unfortunately, also in domestic violence murder. Some prior victims of violent crimes […]

Survivor Story: I Did Not Want My Daughters to Come from a Broken Home

Submitted by: Melissa, Survivor As a survivor of domestic violence, coming forward to share one’s story is not always easy. Doing so is a personal decision that each of us must make when we feel we are ready to open ourselves up and be vulnerable. Melissa shares with us what motivated her to leave her […]

Survivor Story: It Happened to Me

Written by: Courtney, Survivor Domestic violence does not discriminate. While there are many contributory factors and some populations face higher risks than others, no one is immune to relationship abuse. It can happen to anyone. Domestic violence could have happened – or is happening – to you. It could be someone next to you or […]

Survivor Story: The Abuse Started During Her Pregnancy

Submitted by: *Leah, Survivor The abuse started during her pregnancy Pregnancy can be a dangerous time for victims of domestic violence. Abusers may view the expectant mother’s shift of attention toward her unborn child as justification to either engage in abusive behaviors or escalate abuse to regain control over their partner. Not only does this […]

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