
Healing After Narcissistic Abuse

By Jenn Rockefeller The healing process for a survivor of narcissistic abuse is a lengthy and complicated one. It is fraught with anxiety, stress, doubt, depression and much more. Survivors are left feeling alone, scared, unsure and worthless. So how are survivors supposed to heal? How are they to even begin the healing process? And […]

Treatment for PTSD in Adults

By Jenn Rockefeller The aftermath of an abusive relationship is complicated. From figuring out living situations to financial solutions, our lives can become unmanageable. When you add our emotional well-being into the mix, well, that just compounds the aftermath into a tension-filled life. When we deal with reliving the same events and emotions over and […]

Ashley’s Story: A Q&A with a Survivor

Interview by Tina O’Reilly Ashley lives in Colorado and got involved with Break the Silence Against Domestic Violence when she met the BTSADV founder Kristen Faith last year. When she isn’t working or volunteering in her community, she makes the most of her Colorado life hiking with her dog and spending time with friends. Where […]

What to Expect from Therapy

By Emilie Trepanier So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and do that thing everyone keeps saying is necessary for your well-being: Go to therapy. First, I want to be sappy and tell you I’m proud of you, and I admire your strength. Realizing therapy is your next step may not have been easy and […]

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