
Survivor Story: “Victimhood” and “Survivory” Do Not Own Me

Written by: KayLa N. Allen, MPH (Director of Operations, BTSADV) Each of us experiences triggers and emotions from time-to-time. Today has been one of those days for me. School is heavy right now, and I am navigating through that as well. As I watched one of my favorites shows, I saw that they had incorporated […]

Survivor Story: I Was Forced to Give Up My Pets When I Left

Written by: Kenna, Survivor Many survivors face the heartbreaking decision of leaving an abuser or staying because they fear for their pets’ safety. Increasing numbers of shelters and cooperating agencies are expanding services for victims in crisis that include sheltering pets. Unfortunately, these programs are still not available in many areas, and pets are often […]

Survivor Story: Abuse Was Just “A Part of Life”

Submitted by: Dawn, Survivor Survivors of child abuse and childhood domestic violence are at higher risk of being abused in romantic relationships as teens and adults. The presence of any abuse in the home conditions them to view abuse in personal relationships as normal, even acceptable. Survivor Dawn shares with us how the normalization of […]

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