
What is a Lethality Assessment?

By Rebecca Lynn According to the NACDV, 72 percent of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner. However, this percentage is created by the number of reports made to public records, which is thought to be mostly under-reported. Depending on the city, murder-suicides aren’t always recorded with specific information, such as the relationship or history of […]

Survivor Story: My Abuser Locked Me in a Closet and Beat Me with a Hammer

Written by: Courtney, Survivor First off, I apologize because I am not very good with words, but I want to get my story out there. Hopefully, it can help other women, so here it goes! About four years ago I met my ex-husband. I thought he was charming, cute, and smart. He always said sweet […]

Survivor Story: I am a Teen Dating Violence Survivor

Written by: BTSADV Survivor I was 15 when I went through my first relationship. It was love at first sight, and that’s when I knew he was the boy I wanted to take home to meet my family. The first two months were amazing. He treated me so well, buying me flowers and necklaces and […]

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