
Recognizing the Signs of Sexual Narcissism in Relationships

In the realm of sexual behaviors, it’s important to be vigilant for specific indicators. Sexual narcissists have a tendency to initiate intimate relationships using their charm, a barrage of flattering remarks, and an overflow of affection. These individuals may accelerate the pace of sexual intimacy, often going to great extremes to prioritize their partner’s satisfaction […]

My Story- Mireia

I will cut a long story as short as possible. I say it’s a long story, because, like all people who are abused, it reaches back to childhood. One of my primary care givers, my mother, was a domineering and controlling woman and my father left her, and me and my brother. She played my […]

From Victim to Accused: My Story of Surviving Domestic Violence

I was the victim of domestic violence for over 5 years. After being physically abused on a regular basis, I gathered the courage to tell a few friends and family members about the abuse, which was being perpetrated by my own wife. I always had bruises on my face, cuts and bite marks on my […]

My Story-Mandy M

  My story began in September 2015, I was 22 years old. I met & started dating and fell in love with a man who treated me like a princess. I fell fast and hard, and although I had never lived outside of my parents/grandparents homes, within four months of this relationship starting, he had […]

My Story- JJ Intimate Partner Violence- From Protector to Unprotected

On this October evening, we are at the break of Fall, but let me ask you to think back-back to January of 2010… what where you doing? Here in Chicago, it wasn’t the coldest or the worst winter on record, but it was the darkest winter of my entire life.It was a frigid day in […]

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